To view or download Prabhat Pre-Primary Graduation Day photos, click Here.
- It is a moral responsibility of parents to make their wards to realize the importance of maintaining discipline in the school.
- Students must come to school wearing clean, neat & tidy uniform.
- Students should not bring gold ornaments or any other valuables in the school. If any such items found, it will be returned to the parents only and not to the student. Parents themselves have to collect it from the school. School will not be responsible for the loss of the same.
- Students should cooperate with the school to inculcate the value of cleanliness, regularity, punctuality and self dependence.
- Mobile is strictly not allowed. If found, it will not be returned to the student and strict action will be taken for the same.
- Students should respect the National emblem, National anthem, our culture & heritage. Students are made to realize that they are responsible not only for their code in the school but also for their general behaviour outside.
- Personal cleanliness and cleanliness of the school uniform is to be maintained, nails must be cut regularly by the students. Class teachers & sports teachers will check the nails twice in a week.
- Boys should maintain a simple & proper short hair cut. Different types of hair styles are not allowed.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, unsatisfactory application to studies, disobedience, objectionable normal influence , cheating, stealing & unsatisfactory conducts in & out of the school justify dismissal of a student.
- Students shall not leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
- Students are not allowed to meet the outsiders in the school campus during the school hours.
- As the medium of instruction is English in order to acquire fluency in English, all students must speak English while in the school premises.
- Silence must be observed outside the authorities’ office.
- Running, fighting or shouting inside the classroom is never allowed. Students should not harm the school property.
- Use of filthy or abusive language is strictly prohibited.
- Students are not allowed to use telephone or mobile nor they will be allowed to receive mails or other calls without the permission of Principal.
- Attendance is compulsory on the opening & closing day before summer / winter session break.
- All students need to maintain at least 75% attendance throughout the academic session.
- Attendance for Sports Day, Annual day, National Festivals (26th January, 15th August), Educational Exhibition, Excursions & any Special event is compulsory.
- Leaves or Absence will be sanctioned only on written application (Annexure V) from the parents or guardians for valid reasons. All permissions must be sought from the Principal.
- If student requires to go home during school hours for any serious reason, he /she should ask parents / guardian to apply in writing and parents themselves can come and pick up. The school will not be able to send them by school bus.
- Student will not be sent home with a third person sent by the parents / guardians during the school hours without the prior permission of the authority.
- It has been observed that many a times, the students attend the school even while suffering from illness. So it’s a request to the parents not to send their ward in the school if he / she is not fully healthy and fit.
- Absence because of any illness must be supported with medical certificate. Student attending the school after suffering from an infectious disease such as measles, chickenpox, cholera, mumps, Corona, whooping cough etc. must produce a fitness certificate from a qualified doctor.